Medicare Secondary Payer Compliance
In our ongoing commitment to providing our clients with the most comprehensive services, The Curry Law Firm is now able to offer high-level consulting on the Medicare Secondary Payer Act for both worker’s compensation and liability insurance industries, as well as ensuring compliance with all of its implementing regulations.
Although Medicare Secondary Payer law has been on the books for over three decades, it has only recently emerged as a topic of concern for the liability sector, including litigants, insurers, self-insureds, defendants, counsel, and the like as the federal government continues to tighten regulations and stiffen penalties. Confusion and misinformation regarding liability insurers’ obligation to Medicare are a natural outgrowth of the federal government’s aggressive efforts to find a way to protect the future viability of the Medicare program.
Our Medicare Compliance team consists of attorneys and paralegals who have received their Certified Medicare Secondary Payer professional certification (CMSP) by completing a 36-hour course, a written exam, and a 16-hour case study practicum. The CMSP designation recognizes a small group of individuals possessing a superior knowledge and skills in all aspects of Medicare Compliance including Mandatory Section 111 Reporting, Medicare Lien, Resolution, Satisfaction, and Medicare Set-Asides and Reserve Allocation obligations.
Our Services
We provide a complete list of services for Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurers, including self-insureds, as well as their claims department personnel and attorneys, to ensure compliance with the Medicare Secondary Payer Act and all of its corresponding Regulations. We can assist clients with their preparation of settlement documents and releases to ensure the necessary Medicare verbiage and provisions are included and that they are in compliance with:
- MMSEA Section 111 Reporting
- Liability Settlement Allocations
- Conditional Payment Claim Resolutions
- Medicare Advantage Plans and Rx Resolutions
- Client Policies and Procedures
- Prescription Medication